Sometimes less is more

 There are a number of Cordalines in my garden. They came mainly as passengers in plants from my dear sister and I dotted them around the garden in the initial years but I have fallen out of love with most of them. One or two of them actually ended up in suitable places but the rest I\’m afraid need to go! 

When I was creating the garden my policy was to fill all borders as quickly as possible and this helped the garden to mature quickly, but now that the garden is over ten years old it is necessary to look at each border and tweak the design. This photo was taken last year and shows how overgrown the border had become.

The large Cordaline has been removed from one of this border. This opened up the view of this border well, and the pruning of an overgrown Cotoneaster has completed the remodelling of this border. The pollarded willow in this border is once more a feature in winter when the branches colour up and the herbaceous plants will appreciate the light and be much better displayed  during the summer.

This is how it looks today – the willow is now the feature of the border – standing proud – but of course in Spring it will be pollarded allowing the plants beneath it to flourish.The smaller Cordaline has a reprieve for this year – but once it gets big enough to dominate the willow its days will be numbered too! 

This border has a selection of plants – including Oriental Poppies, Phlox, Corydalis, Salvia Forsskaolii, a small Hydrangea, a white Pulmonaria, Geranium Sanguineum Striatum and some others. With the removal of the large Cordaline from here these will now have the chance to thrive!

I think these three create a more pleasing tableau now. Time will tell if this rather radical restructuring has been a success. Isn\’t this what gardening is all about!

6 thoughts on “Sometimes less is more

  1. Just realized that the blog is a more 'elegant' format than the email – but the cordaline saga continues. In my garden the original of Hazel's plants still exists – a bit ragged at this time of year, but better in summer. What I particularly like is when it \”blossoms\” and months later flocks of birds, especially starlings feast on the seeds. Interestingly, I only have one specimen, so I don't have Hazel's problem in my bijou garden.


  2. My approach so far is the chainsaw as close to the ground as possible and then paint the stump! Time will tell if it is successful!Many cordalines did a spectacular resurrection after the difficult winters of 2009 and 2010!


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